Pick the shows you want to promote

You have full control over who you promote, just browse the available Introcast offers and pick the ones that you like.

Paul Giamatti’s CHINWAG with Stephen Asma introcasts The Kevin Rose Show


Record your Introcasts

Record a 2 minutes Introcast to introduce those new shows to your Audience.

Introcasts are always recorded by you, as you know best how to speak to your listeners.


Introcast appears as a short episode on all podcast apps

Once you publish your Introcast, it will automatically be inserted below your latest episode on your feed.

Listeners can listen to it on any app they listen to your podcast with.

Publish once, earn recurring revenue

When you publish new episodes for your show, Introcasts will stick to the second slot of your feed.

This is how a single Introcast can generate recurring monthly revenue for your podcast, with little to no effort.

Enter your average downloads per episode

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Introcasts could earn you
$ 1600 /month

Earn with every download

You earn every time an Introcast gets downloaded on any podcast player.

Get paid every month, directly on your bank account.

Start Introcasting, you are in good company

Any questions?

Contact us
How long do Introcasts run?

We enable you to create a long-lasting passive income stream. You decide how long you would like to earn. We will regularly send new offers to keep your content fresh!

What is the Introcast format?

All Introcasts are 2-4 minute episodes, recorded by you. We believe in authentic recommendations and will never insert third-party content into your feed.

Can I run multiple Introcasts at the same time?

Yes! If you want to recommend more than one podcast, you can add multiple Introcasts to the rotation. Only one Introcast will be displayed in your feed at a time, featuring the currently active Introcast.